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5 Natural Fat-Burning Ingredients (Backed by Science)
The five ingredients we're going to cover are all naturally occurring, so you don’t have to worry about polluting your body with synthetic chemicals by using them. Even better, you can find these i...

Natural Diuretics: Everything You Need to Know
You’ve just spent a good few months working hard in the gym. You’ve followed the strictest of diets, you hit the grind day in and day out all in your quest to get leaner! The last thing you want is...

Ultimate Guide: Bodybuilding Cutting Diet
When it comes to maximizing your lean muscle gains while cutting body fat, you need to follow a strict diet and training regimen. This involves tracking your macros and the timing of when you consu...

Fasted Cardio: Is It Best for Fat Loss and Retaining Muscle?
The fitness realm goes back and forth on the effectiveness of doing fasted cardio. Data thus far suggests that fasted cardio doesn’t appear to have advantages over cardio in the fed state. In fact,...

The Skinny Fat Cure: Build Muscle and Cut Fat
It’s the new year, and it seems everyone is on a mission to lose weight or pack on muscle, but then there is you, skinny-fat. If you try to lose weight, let’s face it, you’ll just be skinny. And if...

Build Muscle and Lose Fat Without Tracking Macros: A Complete Guide
There are three primary nutrient groups (or macronutrients) that affect our body composition, metabolism, and energy. Many people simply refer to these nutrients as macros. The three main macros in...

Lose Belly Fat Once and for All with This 9-Week Diet and Training Program
Let’s face it, belly fat is not very pleasing to the eye. Fat is a complicated and interesting organ system. The human body contains multiple types of fat tissue that vary by function and location....

4 Reasons to Stay Lean Year Round
When it comes to your fitness goals, do you find yourself teetering between staying lean and bulking up? If so, you’re like so many others out there. Many people have a tendency to cut down during ...

Using Green Tea Extract Supplements for Fat Burning
As you go about your weight loss program, there’s no question that you’re going to come across many supplements that are supposedly going to help ramp up your results. Type in ‘fat burner’ and you’...

Clean Eating vs. Flexible Dieting: Which Is Better?
Flexible dieting has made quite an impact on health and fitness culture over the last decade, and naturally, it has garnered many advocates and many opposers. The reality is that flexible dieting i...