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The Best Protein Powder for Building Muscle Revealed
Have you ever walked into a supplement store and been overwhelmed with 50+ brightly colored tubs of different types of protein powder? With fancy packaging, interesting names, and a dozen milkshake...

Ultimate Fitness Model Workout
When it comes to working out, most guys have the same goal: they want to look awesome with their shirt off! You have probably heard of the term “aesthetics” on more than one occasion. Aesthetics me...

How to Use Fasted Cardio to Burn Fat Fast
Burning fat is a top priority for most of the people hitting the gym, even surpassing building lean muscle mass. It seems with all of the sweet treats and amazing food in developed countries it’s g...

Carb Cycling: The Ultimate Guide
Many fad diets are circulating the Internet and bodybuilding magazines these days. The fact is that most of these diets are more hype than anything else and are created by mere bro-science. If you ...

Project Jacked Wheels: The Best Leg Workout for Huge and Strong Legs
If you want to have a powerful “alpha” physique, you need to build a solid base and perform the right exercises (via workout for big quads). This means that you can never skip leg day and that you ...

Farmer Forearms: Best Forearm Workouts for Better Grip Strength
Having a strong grip is something that most weight lifters don’t think about, but it is vital on many compound-lifting exercises. Did you know that most of the powerlifters and bodybuilders from ba...

Water Retention and Weight Loss: The Cold Hard Facts
Many people all over the world jump on a scale each day and are frustrated with their progress. People who are desperately trying to lose weight are obviously extremely frustrated when they see the...

The Best Arm Workouts for Jacked Arms
Having a set of big arms is usually high on the priority list of any bodybuilder. That’s because having jacked arms is an important factor when it comes to achieving an aesthetic physique. The “bea...

The Best Protein Powder for Women
When it comes to nutritional needs, many women are confused about the best protein powder for building muscle and overall health. Since women have different hormones than men, they will respond dif...

When it comes to CrossFit, it seems as if you either love it or hate it. CrossFit has many haters in the fitness community, while others are addicted to the CrossFit lifestyle. So, is CrossFit effe...