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Shoulder Training for Huge Delts

Shoulder Training for Huge Delts

When it comes to building an aesthetic physique, the area of the body that is often overlooked is the shoulders. Why are shoulders so important? One word: balance. Many beginners and veterans alike...

FeaturedLose Fat and Gain Muscle with Intermittent Fasting

Lose Fat and Gain Muscle with Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is quickly gaining a lot of attention; basically, it’s a method of timing your meals so that you are fasting for most of the day and allowing yourself feeding windows. This is ...

FeaturedHow Often Should You Eat Protein? Understanding Protein Absorption for Building Muscle

How Often Should You Eat Protein? Understanding Protein Absorption for Building Muscle

You know that protein is necessary for building muscle, but what may not be as easy to understand is the exact amount that you need to efficiently gain lean muscle tissue. From celebrity doctors to...

FeaturedMissing a Workout: Why Your Excuses Don’t Cut It

Missing a Workout: Why Your Excuses Don’t Cut It

Many athletes have goals and aspirations of reaching a level of success that is reserved for the elite. Yet, many of these individuals are ignorant of one simple fact: In order to reach these goals...

FeaturedSmolov Jr.

Smolov Jr.

Smolov Jr. is a three-week program that comes from the Russian squat routine known as Smolov. The big difference is it’s 1/5 as long and not nearly as taxing on your body. Another difference is Smo...

Build MuscleHow to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

How to Build Muscle and Lose Fat

There is a myth among bodybuilding circles that simultaneously building muscle while losing fat is impossible. This article offers valuable insight on how to make your body a fat burning, muscle bu...

FeaturedIf It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM, Flexible Dieting) – Does It Work?

If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM, Flexible Dieting) – Does It Work?

IIFYM has become a popular diet choice in bodybuilding and fitness circles. If it fits your macros may be the most popular method of eating to emerge in the past several years because it allows for...

bodyweight trainingThe Best Bodyweight Workout Routine Ever

The Best Bodyweight Workout Routine Ever

There are several frequently asked questions regarding this old school method of training, the most common being if bodyweight training can be as effective as heavy compound lifting for lean muscle...

best muscle building supplementsWhat Are the Best Supplements for Building Muscle?

What Are the Best Supplements for Building Muscle?

The supplement industry is flooded with over-hyped, ineffective products that are simply not worth their high price tag. We’re here to fill you in on the five best muscle-building supplements that ...

Build MuscleThe Ultimate Muscle Hypertrophy Guide (How to Build Muscle)

The Ultimate Muscle Hypertrophy Guide (How to Build Muscle)

When it comes to building serious muscle mass, many people believe that some individuals are simply blessed with a genetic advantage, and others are stuck with a soft or skinny physique for life. W...