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How to Increase Free Testosterone: 5 Simple Tips

How to Increase Free Testosterone: 5 Simple Tips

For a man to be in optimal health, he needs his testosterone levels to be high. Sadly most men are well below their usual levels. Many factors can influence your testosterone levels. A lack of slee...

best creatineWhat Is the Most Effective Creatine Supplement?

What Is the Most Effective Creatine Supplement?

With the vast number of different creatine supplements available, people often ask: which one is best? Selection and information overload often make the answer confusing for this extremely simple q...

best chest workoutBuild a Big Chest: The Best Chest Workout for Mass

Build a Big Chest: The Best Chest Workout for Mass

Building a big and powerful chest can be a challenge if you focus on the wrong exercises and reps. In this article, we are going to cover the best chest workout that will help you build a thick and...

back exercisesBest Back Workouts for a Barn Door Back

Best Back Workouts for a Barn Door Back

Most gym goers don’t put enough emphasis on a killer back workout routine, and nothing showcases a powerful physique more than a barn door back. Having a strong and muscular back puts your physique...

best shoulder workoutBoulder Shoulders: The Best Shoulder Workout

Boulder Shoulders: The Best Shoulder Workout

When it comes to building an aesthetic and powerful looking physique, nothing is more important than big, broad shoulders. A well-formed set of boulders is the foundation of the V-taper that makes ...

estrogenTop Research-Backed Estrogen Blocking Ingredients

Top Research-Backed Estrogen Blocking Ingredients

The primary female sex hormone, estrogen, is responsible for the growth and maturation of female reproductive tissues. It is also an important part of the male endocrine system, albeit at much lowe...

caseinMake Protein Powder at Home With Only Two Ingredients

Make Protein Powder at Home With Only Two Ingredients

If you had the chance to read our complete guide to whey protein, then you might be wondering if there are any affordable ways to make protein powder yourself. Although not many people know this, y...

ArchivesWhey Protein: Everything You Need to Know

Whey Protein: Everything You Need to Know

Whey protein is arguably the most popular food supplement available, largely because protein is imperative for those looking to build muscle.  Aside from the multitude of functions proteins have in...

Build MuscleClean Eating vs. Flexible Dieting: Which Is Better?

Clean Eating vs. Flexible Dieting: Which Is Better?

Flexible dieting has made quite an impact on health and fitness culture over the last decade, and naturally, it has garnered many advocates and many opposers. The reality is that flexible dieting i...

body compositionBody Composition: What It Really Is

Body Composition: What It Really Is

Body composition is somewhat of a vague term since technically it refers to the complete elemental makeup of a human organism. For those who are curious as to what chemical elements we humans are c...