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Natural Testosterone Boosting Ingredients That Actually Work

Natural Testosterone Boosting Ingredients That Actually Work

PRIMASURGE is the first scientifically­-dosed, proprietary-blend free, all-natural testosterone booster on the market. Featuring ingredients validated in clinical research studies to boost testoste...

ArchivesIntermittent Fasting for Building Muscle: The Complete Guide

Intermittent Fasting for Building Muscle: The Complete Guide

Intermittent fasting, if done properly, has the ability to improve your health. However, there is a point where one can take this approach a bit too far. For building muscle and staying lean, it ap...

body recompositionBody Recomposition: Is It Possible to Build Muscle and Burn Fat?

Body Recomposition: Is It Possible to Build Muscle and Burn Fat?

Ask most anyone at the gym what their goal is and it’s likely along the lines of being leaner, stronger, and more muscular. There are very few scenarios where a gym-goers lone goal should be to los...

FeaturedIIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros): The Ultimate Flexible Dieting Guide

IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros): The Ultimate Flexible Dieting Guide

Just about every gym-goer has heard someone claim that results are determined 90% by diet and 10% by exercise. While the exact proportion that diet and training contribute to progress is yet to be ...

betaineBetaine Anhydrous: An In-Depth Look at a Powerhouse Ingredient

Betaine Anhydrous: An In-Depth Look at a Powerhouse Ingredient

Betaine anhydrous (sometimes also referred to as trimethylglycine or “TMG”) is a compound derived from the amino acid choline and is naturally occurring in plant species (especially sugar beets). I...

Build Muscle5 Steps to Building a Ton of Size and Strength

5 Steps to Building a Ton of Size and Strength

Starting from ground zero with your workout program? Looking to get as strong as possible as quickly as possible? If you are looking to pack on lean muscle mass and develop the most functionally st...

Featured10 Steps to Getting a Shredded Physique

10 Steps to Getting a Shredded Physique

Looking to lean down and shed some excess body fat that you may be carrying around? If so, you need a precise plan of attack. So many people set out with the goal of fat loss only to find themselve...

FeaturedShilajit: A Clinically Effective and Natural Testosterone Booster

Shilajit: A Clinically Effective and Natural Testosterone Booster

Shilajit comes from the top of the Himalayan mountains and looks very similar to tar when it’s cooled down. When it’s warm, it’s soft and gummy-like. Locals call it ‘the blood of the mountain’ or m...

Build Strength9 Quick Tips Guaranteed to Increase Your Squat

9 Quick Tips Guaranteed to Increase Your Squat

9 Quick Tips Guaranteed to Increase Your Squat 1. Work on your form and perfect it Just like any compound movement, proper form is critical in order to get results and avoid injury. You have two op...

Build MuscleUsing the 80/20 Principle to Optimize Your Physique and Performance

Using the 80/20 Principle to Optimize Your Physique and Performance

When it comes to building muscle and shedding fat, gym-goers often find themselves preoccupied with trivial matters that have little bearing on the big picture. For example, it’s not uncommon to se...